August: Celebrating Membership and New Club Development Month!

🎉 August: Celebrating Membership and New Club Development Month! 🌟

This month, the Rotary Club of Dominica proudly honors our greatest asset – our 48 dedicated members! 🤝💪 They are a dynamic group of professionals united by a belief in ethical business practices and a passion for making a positive impact in the world. 🌍🌟

We embrace the power of diversity, equity, and inclusion with members from diverse professions, cultures, age groups, and religious backgrounds. There’s no gender bias here; everyone’s contributions are valued, and all opinions matter. 🙏

Our happy and engaged Rotarians tirelessly devote their time to serving their communities, making a lasting difference. Their diverse skills and perspectives strengthen our impact on society. 🤝💼

If you share our vision and want to be part of this incredible team, we invite you to explore membership opportunities with the Rotary Club of Dominica. 🤝💫

Visit to learn more!